WordPress SEO Fundamentals

WordPress is brilliant at a LOT of things, but how well a WordPress website will perform in the search engines is very much down to how it is customised.

Have you ever heard (or said):
“Your website will be ‘SEO ready’ when it’s built”
… or …
“All our websites are built with SEO in mind”

The truth is that website owners simply expect their websites to work in search, and they look at the agency (or freelancer, or developer) to be the one who should have had this covered when the site was built.

Websites are frequently compared to cars… You wouldn’t buy a car if it didn’t get you down the road from the showroom. How well it goes down all the roads it will ever travel is a different thing as that depends on how it is serviced or if it is modified in any way (like ongoing SEO). But how well it works off the forecourt is very much down to how it was built. This course is about building websites that get you off the forecourt properly – if you’re still with me on the metaphor!

Introducing WordPress SEO Fundamentals

A no BS practical guide to configuring WordPress for search as you build a website.

Sidenote: this course was designed to give you the process to use as you BUILD a site. All of the contents can absolutely be retrofitted to an existing site, but for the purposes of the course, it’s structured for the build process.

✅ What WordPress SEO Fundamentals covers

This value-packed course is split into 4 parts:

  • Website Planning / Discovery: everything you need to glean from the client and their competition to make sure the website you’re building is structured to compete in the SERPs.
  • Design Considerations: that’s right – SEO isn’t just for devs and techies! Getting aspects of your design wrong can severely hinder your SEO performance.
  • During the Build: Everything you need to consider to make sure the site is BUILT correctly – from page structure to site speed, and everything in between.
  • Sending a Site Live: This is the final piece of the jigsaw that is often overlooked, but can have a hugely detrimental affect to any shiny new website.

Each of these parts looks at various elements of the SEO strategy that should be the BARE MINIMUM for ANY WordPress Website.

Get WordPress SEO Fundamentals Now!

❌ What WordPress SEO Fundamentals WON’T deliver

SEO is a long term game. If you want to take it seriously it is going to take time and dedication to the cause. This course won’t change that – BUT getting the fundamentals right is the first part of succeeding with SEO. And, getting them wrong can be catastrophic for both you and the client.  

WordPress SEO Fundamentals is also not specific to a particular page-builder or theme – it tries to be as generic as possible. Some tools or services will be mentioned (maybe even recommended) but the whole point of a fundamental is, well, that it is fundamental… So that kind of makes it universal, and not tied to a particular page-builder or logic.

Lastly, this course won’t make you an SEO guru. It’s more about making sure you, as the website developer, are building sites that are as optimised as possible when you deliver them to the client, rather than developing complex SEO strategies.

Get WordPress SEO Fundamentals Now!

🤔 Are there any extras?

Damn right there are!

As well as the content in the course, you will also receive:
✅   SEO check lists for each part of the course that you can use in your project processes (Google Doc)
✅   The website discovery template I use in my agency
✅   An “SEO for design” cheat sheet
✅   An on-page SEO check list
✅   A site live check list

As a delegate of the course you will also receive any updates to the course or its resources for the lifetime of the course.

Get WordPress SEO Fundamentals Now!

🤨 What’s the investment?

All of the resources above, including the course, are available for only $79.00 (USD)

This price gives you life-time access* to the course and all future updates – as you’d expect from any course of this type. 

* Life-time access is determined to be the natural life-time of the course. Naturally, things change, and as time passes if I deem the course to be no longer relevant, then I withhold the right to retire it. If this is to happen, I will give fair warning to all delegates and stop all new registrations. 

Get WordPress SEO Fundamentals Now!
"My clients' sites are ranking better than ever since implementing these fundamentals. The course paid for itself with my very first project."
"The launch checklist alone has saved me countless hours of post-launch fixes. Now every site launches properly optimized."
"I used to think SEO was just about keywords. This course showed me how much happens during development that impacts rankings."

Get WordPress SEO Fundamentals NOW 👇